wowfor-Social media network for future,Memories and stories

wowfor-Social media network for future,Memories and stories
wowfor-Social media network for future,Memories and stories

Feeling good about life

Feeling good about life

0 is a feel good .. as we have seen in the first chapter .. One of the key components of happiness
0 and a sense of satisfaction ..
Is a kind of appreciation of the Pacific .. And meditation .. Of how well things are going .. Both now .. Or in the past
0 and there is a feeling good about life in general .. And work .. And leisure time .. And marriage .. And other areas
0 and we will now .. For a number of major theories .. That have been developed to explain the difference in satisfaction between people:
0 influence the objective conditions to feel satisfied:
0 we have seen in Chapter II that social relations are major sources of happiness
0 and we have seen in Chapter III that the work is a source of complacency of most people ..
While unemployment is a source of dissatisfaction
0 and we have seen in Chapter IV, the activity of leisure time is one of the major sources for complacency
0 and these areas .. Three areas of life (the others work .. .. spare time) .. Are the three core areas .. for complacency about life
0 What is no doubt that the conditions of life affect the sense of satisfaction .. People sedentary in their marriages .. They have interesting work .. And good health .. Etc. .. There is no doubt that they are happier than others .. But this is not everything .. There are a lot of complacency continued .. Of fun activities but are not linked to satisfying the needs of
0 experience unpleasant events:
0 if satisfaction is not affected by the factual circumstances always .. It might also be affected by experience unpleasant events .. And that generate positive feelings
0 He was just showing that put people in a good mood .. Increases the expression of feeling good about life as a whole
0 of ambition and achievement:
0 is a sense of satisfaction more .. When approaching ambitions of achievements .. And less when it away
0 and the ambitions to compare with others .. Or on the past experience of the individual
0 comparison with others:
0 in order to determine whether the individual is a short or long .. Must make comparisons with others
0 and how to adopt the version of the provisions of the people .. .. Or estimates on their understanding of the meaning of grades .. On measures of appreciation of this
0 and the estimates are likely to be self-feeling good about life .. Based on comparison with others .. While the estimate based on happiness .. The moods of direct
- But with whom one chooses to compare himself?
0 The majority of people compare their wages paid others .. Especially those working in the same profession
0 and be more obvious comparisons .. Those that are with neighbors and relatives .. Or classmates or former university
0 also, we find that two people who are in inappropriate circumstances .. Can detect characteristics of those who are high achievers in the others .. People with Parkinson believe that the mind is more important than muscle strength .. These comparisons lead to increased self-esteem .. And that was likely to lead to increasing the gap between what is done and what is owed .. Any more than the feeling of injustice
0 and found many of the studies .. That people under difficult conditions .. Have a low impact of the self .. Therefore, comparing themselves with those who are less prestigious of them .. While it is possible that the presence of members of the more successful .. A source of dissatisfaction and discomfort .. There is evidence to suggest that older people believe that others living in poor conditions .. Makes them feel a little joy
0 and there may be advantages to an individual's childhood miserable
0 adaptation:
0 to judge the different stimuli .. Compared to stimulants we have experienced in the past .. May be the same events .. .. a source of pain or pleasure at the level of the previous adjustment
0 and the adaptation process of being constantly .. And people in general .. Able to get a feel for anything
0 and the adjustment takes some time .. To settle the case
0 and that there was objection to this theory .. Is that some people are very happy .. Some of them are very depressed .. So why did not occur adaptation?
0 to look at the bright aspects:
0 named most of the people they are very satisfied .. And they are happier than others .. Perhaps they do not mention the truth .. or they do not face .. It may be the reason for this is an escape .. the people .. Cases of bad moods
0 Summary:
0 for the objective circumstances have little impact on feeling good about life
0 events create a good mood positive cases .. It also increases the sense of satisfaction about life
0 adaptation occurs with any special circumstances ..
But within
0 the gap between ambition and achievement .. Modify the effect of saturation of the real needs .. Although this may not apply to biological Acbaat .. Such as sex, for example